The puppet theater ...
Puppet theater is a way to make a theatrical show using puppets that are called puppets.
The puppet is usually made up of a head built with wood or other materials (for example papier-mâché), two hands also made of wood and a sack over which small clothes can then be made to wear.
The animator, who is called the puppeteer, inserts his hand into the bag and moves his head with the index finger while the puppet's hands with the thumb and ring finger.
We do not have certain information on the origins of the puppets. We know that their name could derive from "buratto" which was a rough and resistant fabric, used by farmers to sift the flour or to separate it from the bran and, once unusable because worn, used to build the puppet's sack.
The puppeteer animates the puppets and lends them his voice, hidden inside a hut made of wood or other materials, also called a castle or hut.
Our show retraces the ancient tradition of puppet theater by proposing the stories originals and repertoire.
The proposed formula provides for a particularly interactive relationship with the spectators (both children and adults), in order to involve them personally in the performance of the show.
The characters that appear on stage are the classics of puppet theater: from Fasolino and Sandrone to P antalone, Brighella, Arlecchino, Colombina, the Witch, Doctor Ballanzone, Rosaura and many others ...
The service is available in the areas of:
Venetian Riviera
Riviera Romagnola